The Regatta Association of the Munich Metropolitan Region

We create major sporting events at the Olympic Regatta Centre in Munich Oberschleißheim.

Regattas at the 1972 Olympic course in Munich were always something special. This is what the only regatta association in the Munich metropolitan region stands for, which has staged both rowing and canoe-sprint events in a big way: Regatta München e.V.

Regatta München e.V. is committed to the tradition of long-standing and successful international regattas at the 1972 Olympic Regatta Centre. Regatta München e.V. represents the interests of Bavarian rowing and canoeing clubs with regard to the organisation of regattas in Munich. In organising its regattas, it relies on committed private individuals, its member clubs as well as sport-loving commercial enterprises as members and, with great gratitude, on numerous voluntary helpers as well as proven partners.

We are committed to tradition, but at the same time we create innovations. As a future-oriented regatta association, we have our own service company, M-START. M-START hosts sporting events nationally and internationally, organises sporting events and at the same time stands for the innovative digitalisation of these events. For example, we have our own online entry system MAX, which is available in different languages and is second to none. In addition, modern information technology has found its way into all areas of the regattas in order to make the running of such large events as pleasant and uncomplicated as possible for the participants and us alike. With our own media team and cooperations, we also deliver flawless and visually appealing media impressions of our international regattas and championships.

Regatta München e.V. is a member of the Bavarian Rowing Association and the German Rowing Association.

Our current statutes can be requested at

A note on our own behalf: We are not a rowing club, but organise national and international rowing regattas of various sizes. If you would like to row yourself, we therefore refer you to our member clubs listed below. You are in good hands with these renowned and successful rowing clubs.


According to the statutes, the board of Regatta München e.V. consists of three members, each of whom is elected for a period of four years. The Executive Board is currently composed as follows:

  • Oliver Bettzieche, President
  • Philipp Dierken, Vice-President
  • Elias Kraus, Vice-President Finance

Regatta Committee

The Regatta Committee of Regatta München e.V. is responsible for the planning and execution of our regattas and consists of the following members:

  • Oliver Bettzieche, Event Management

Exhibitors, Catering, Purchasing, IT, Marketing, Sponsoring, Guests of Honour, Award Ceremony

  • Oliver Bettzieche (acting), PR & Media

Content, Press, Social Media

  • Philipp Dierken, Regatta Operations

Boating area, infrastructure, start, announcers, volunteers

  • Stefan Kapeller, Regatta IT

Regatta IT, time keeping

  • Elias Kraus, Finance

Finance, Information Centre, Transport

  • Christian Vlach, Security & Safety

First-aid, security, water rescue


Regatta München e.V. is proud to count the following sports organisations among its members:

Bayerischer Ruderverband e.V.

Bootshandel – Sportservice

Deutscher Kanu-Verband e.V.

Landshuter Ruderverein von 1952 e.V.

Münchener Ruder-Club von 1880 e.V.

Münchener Ruder- und Segelverein “Bayern” von 1910 e.V.

Olympiapark München GmbH – Leistungszentrum für Rudern und Kanu

Passauer Ruderverein von 1874 e.V.

Regensburger Ruder-Klub von 1890 e.V.

Regensburger Ruderverein von 1898 e.V.

Rudergesellschaft München 1972 e.V.

Ruderverein am Tegernsee von 1949 e.V.

Schleißheimer Ruderclub e.V.

We are pleased that the following private individuals support the association as members:

Lukas Abelt, Oliver Bettzieche, Willi Bock, Philipp Dierken, Hans-Johann Färber, Heiner Felder, Walburga Fischbach, Torsten Franke, Luis Heiss, Stefan Kapeller, Christine Katz, Elias Kraus, Dr. Johannes Kreutz, Maike Mehringer, Vincent Reß, Emmanuelle Rousseau, Martin Schmidt, Leopold Strobl, Frank Tibo, Gerhard Walter, Björn Weigel, Hans Zeitler.

Honorary members
  • Gottfried Ehrlich
  • Michael Kremmer
  • Jörg Reinhardt
  • Prof. Klaus Ulbrich
  • Wolfgang Walter


Since 2013 we have organized the following regattas:

  • 2013 International Junior Regatta of Deutscher Ruderverband
  • 2014 International Junior Regatta of Deutscher Ruderverband
  • 2014 Euro Masters Regatta
  • 2015 International Junior Regatta of Deutscher Ruderverband
  • 2015 German Masters Open
  • 2015 German University Championships Rowing
  • 2016 International Junior Regatta of Deutscher Ruderverband
  • 2016 Euro Masters Regatta
  • 2017 International Junior Regatta of Deutscher Ruderverband
  • Deutsche Meisterschaften U17/U19/U23 2017 (German only)
  • 2018 International Junior Regatta of Deutscher Ruderverband
  • 2018 Bavarian Rowing Championships
  • 2018 Euro Masters Regatta
  • 2019 International Junior Regatta of Deutscher Ruderverband
  • 2021 European Rowing Junior Championships
  • 2021 Euro Masters Regatta on Tour in Bled, Slowenien
  • 2022 Munich International Junior Regatta
  • 2022 Euro Masters Regatta on Tour in Bled, Slowenien
  • 2022 European Rowing Championships und 2022 European Canoe Sprint and Paracanoe Championships European Championships Munich 2022 within the multisport event
  • 2023 Munich International Junior Regatta
  • South German Championships 2023 Canoe Sprint
  • 2023 Euro Masters Regatta
  • 2024 Munich International Junior Regatta
  • 2024 Euro Masters Regatta